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11월, 2022의 게시물 표시

100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji Press Conference

#106186graduate #Again_after_2019year #WorldClass #Shincheonji_tothe_World #TheWorld_to_Shincheonji #Letsgo_Guiness #The_Greatest_Scale #Orderliness #SafetyFirst #ZionChristianMissionCenter   · Special Lesson https://bit.ly/enSpecialSeminar 🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸   · Introductory https://bit.ly/SCJ_introductory   🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸 · Intermediate https://bit.ly/SCJ_Intermediate 💎 ❤️ 💎 ❤️ 💎 ❤️   · Advanced https://bit.ly/SCJ_Advanced   ✸ Press Conference   100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji Class 113 of Zion Christian Mission Center Press Conference   Sourced by : https://www.shincheonji.org/en   To study the Bible step by step? http://bit.ly/bible_04122 👆👆👆  

100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji

100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji Class 113 of Zion Christian Mission Center   · Date: Nov. 20th, 11:45am   · Youtube Watch it now URL https://bit.ly/100000en       🖥   Press Conference   100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji Class 113 of Zion Christian Mission Center Press Conference   · Date: Nov. 20th, 11:00am #ShincheonjiChurch_of_Jesus #100000_GraduationCeremony #TheLargestScale #Only_1year #106186graduate #Again_after_2019year #WorldClass #Shincheonji_tothe_World   · Youtube Watch it now URL https://bit.ly/en100000pc     ■ Related to the Graduation ceremony Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a single church in just one year (or 0 months), 106,186 people completed, the second 106,186 graduation ceremony after 2019, the world's largest, global graduation, world class, Let's go Guinness, Amazing scale, Zion Christian Mission Center, other level ...

BIBLE_STUDY : The Will of God and the Reason to be Reborn

The Will of God and the Reason to be Reborn M ain reference: Rv 21, Jn 3:1-6 🎯   God created heaven, earth, and all creation. As Adam and the serpent committed sin, all people of the world have been sinners born of the genes of Adam, the sinner. With authority given by the sinners, the group of the serpent (Satan) killed the messengers sent by God in each era. Hence, Jesus came to the earth and said that regardless of the lineage only those who are reborn of God's seed and Spirit would go to heaven.   💎 WE ARE ONE 💎   Abraham Lincoln who was born as the son of a poor farmer became the president of the United States and freed the slaves. Jesus, the son of God, came to earth and said those who are born with the seed and the Spirit of God are given the right to become His children who are born not of natural descent, nor of human decision (Jn 1:12-13, 3:5). As He made every valley and mountain become level and plain in Isaiah 40:3-4, God has freed all people a...

[Lesson 1] The Two Kinds of Spirits (God and Satan)ㅣShincheonji Online S...

  [Introductory Level] T estimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings Shincheonji Online Seminar [Lesson 1] The Two Kinds of Spirits (God and Satan) ✍ Lecture : The Two Kinds of Spirits (God and Satan) ✓ Date & Time: Thursday, 6 January 2022 at 10 AM (GMT +9) * Event Name: Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings * When: January 3rd - March 28th, 2022 * Time: Every week on Mondays and Thursdays / 10A.M. (GMT +9) * Instructor: Chairman Lee Man Hee and Mission Center Instructors from the 12 Tribes * Lecture Content: Zion Christian Mission Center Introductory Level Education — 24 Lessons and Special Lessons https://www.shincheonji.org/en/   📤 #SHINCHEONJI_CHURCH #PARABLES #12TRIBES #BIBLE #HEAVEN #GOD #JESUS #REVELATION #NEW_TESTAMENT   http://bit.ly/bible_04122 TO STUDY THE BIBLE!!!    

Introducing Zion Christian Mission Center

  We introduce you a theology educational institution that is established as promised by the Bible and conveys only the word in the Bible.   🍎 #GOD #JESUS   The Zion Christian Mission Center, a center teaching the Bible at no cost (Rv 22:17), is sealing those who are harvested with the new word (new song) – the revealed word which is the fulfillment of the prophecy – to create the 12 Tribes. It is the place where the throne in the spiritual realm and God are with.   #ZION_CHRISTIAN_MISSION   A total of 160,000 students have graduated from the Zion Christian Mission Center to this day with 25,000 students graduating last year alone. It has produced the greatest number of graduates in the world for a single denomination. About 600 mission centers are established in 29 countries - USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Australia, South Africa, India, Philippines, Hong Kong, and more. In addition, there are currently...

The Messenger who received and ate the "opened book" in Revelation 10

Even if you don't believe me, believe in the revealed word of the New Testament Chairman Lee confesses that his life was like the dirt that lacked knowledge, skills, and wisdom. However, he was determined that he would obey faithfully and do anything if it was for God. He says righteousness ( 義 ) is believing in God and doing His will. 🚩 Chairman Lee, who says that he was given the task of a messenger to testify to the truth that the heavens showed him although he is unworthy, requests that we believe in what he was commanded to testify to after seeing and hearing the fulfillment of the prophecies in the New Testament, even if we do not trust him.   #NEW_TESTAMENT   “I testified to the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is everything that I saw and heard (Rv 22:8) according to Revelation 1:2.   I know what “work must soon take place” and what “these” mean in the Bible.   This is because I have seen and heard from the place where t...

Shincheonji is the Best of All Creations between Heaven and Earth

The one and only God created heaven and earth and everything in them.   #Revelation_I_Have_seen_and_Heard #ShincheonjiOnlineSeminar #Hit_29million_views   As the snake (one of the creations) and Adam sinned, God the creator left this earth (the world). Since then this earth has been under the rule of the snake.     In heaven there is the realm of spirits, and on earth there is the realm of the flesh. The devil, the evil spirit of the snake is with the people on earth in the world of flesh.     God who is in heaven has been teaching the people on earth to make known what happened, and that is religion ( 宗敎 : teaching the utmost, what is shown by heaven*).   God has His throne (Rv 4), and the devil has his throne (Rv 13, Rv 16). So, two kinds of spirits came to be. There is the heavenly spirit and the spirit of the world, that is, the holy spirit of God and the evil spirit of the devil that is the snake (Satan, the dragon)....

BIBLE_STUDY : The Time of Harvest is the End of the World

The Time of Harvest is the End of the World ✉ Main reference: Mt 13:24-30, 36-43   Why is the time of harvest the end of the world? You silly! Don't you know?   Then, I‘ll tell you. Listen to what I have to tell you. In spring seeds are sown; in summer they grow; in autumn the ripened crop is harvested and taken to the barn; and in winter, there is rest; as farming ends with the harvest, that is the end of the world.   God prophesied the sowing of two kinds of seeds in Jeremiah 31. After Jesus sowed the seed in Matthew 13, Jesus promised to return to harvest. Indeed, he came again in Revelation 14 to harvest. He sealed [those harvested] in Revelation 7. He created the 12 tribes of the Kingdom of God with the first fruits in Revelation 14. Later in Revelation 7:14, he called those who had washed their robes with the blood of Jesus. This great multitude in white are called the people of the Heavenly Kingdom (Kingdom of Heaven)   This was promised 2,600...

[Special Lesson] Outline of the Intermediate LevelㅣShincheonji Online Seminar

Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter   ✅ Lecture: [Special Lesson] Outline of the Intermediate Level ✐ Date & Time: Thursday, 31 March 2022 at 10 AM (GMT +9) * Seminar Title: Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter * When: March 31 - June 27, 2022 * Time: Every Monday and Thursday / 10 A.M. * Instructor: Chairman Lee Man Hee and the Head Instructors from the Branch Churches of the 12 Tribes * Lecture Content: Zion Christian Mission Center Intermediate Level Education — 25 Lessons and Special Lessons   ※ Intermediate Level Education: The course to learn unique things among the prophecies and the fulfillment from the Old Testament to the New Testament by chapters.   ✐ Contact Point by Region ✅ U.S.A. - California Church : +1 657-799-1158 / www.scjus.org / america.en@scjus.org - Washington D.C. Church : +1 202- 813-9801 /revivedcstudy@gmail.com - NY Church : revelation@scjamericas.org / +1 917...