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5월, 2023의 게시물 표시

[Incheon] Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation’ Shincheonji's Bible Seminar

[Incheon] Shincheonji's Bible Seminar   Do you know about Incheon in Korea?   · Topic: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation · Date: 13 May 2023, 5PM (GMT+9) · Lecturer: Chairman Lee Man-hee · Schedule 1) Seoul: 22 April 2023, 3PM (GMT+9) https://youtube.com/live/Pw2PhOL2XqU ?...   2) Busan: 30 April 2023, 5PM (GMT+9) https://youtube.com/live/XObnXMbyf6k ?...   3) Daejeon: 6 May 2023, 4PM (GMT+9) https://youtube.com/live/75Vod8P8684   4) Incheon: 13 May 2023, 5PM (GMT+9)* https://youtube.com/live/qW1KsVXB9YE   · Live & Replay: Shincheonji Church's official Youtube channel   #ShincheonjiChurch #BibleSeminar #revelation   ✏ Official Homepage https://www.shincheonji.org/en     ❖ The Application for the Online Bible Study (Free) http://bit.ly/bible_04122   · Special Lesson: https://bit.ly/enSpecialSeminar     ✅ Zion Christian Mission Center URL · Introductory :  https://bit.ly/SCJ_introductory   · Intermediate

Shincheonji Church's Quotes of Life

Just as it is written in 1 Thes 5, let us not become the people who sleep at night, but be the people of light who are awake in the daytime.   Therefore, we can lift up all the glory to God and be prepared to live in heaven.   ✝ ✝ ✝   1 Thes 5 1.  Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2.  for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3.  While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4.  But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5.  You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6.  So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. 7.  For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8.  But since we belong to the day, let

Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation

2023 Shincheonji Bible Seminar   <Incheon Bible Seminar Link>     1. (KO) https://youtube.com/live/hlvNE64yLYQ     2. (EN) https://youtube.com/live/qW1KsVXB9YE     3. (ZH) https://youtube.com/live/W08_BsEZFgc     4. (JA) https://youtube.com/live/aL5Db6jRKGY     5. (FR) https://youtube.com/live/teSr4zwHMyg     6. (ES) https://youtube.com/live/5YvroFRG7Cw     7. (DE) https://youtube.com/live/1-CVHLZnkkQ     8. (MN) https://youtube.com/live/sd_a3b5q0HQ     9. (RU) https://youtube.com/live/fV6eDe_pk0I   ▶️ General information · Title: Shincheonji's Bible Seminar · Topic: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation · Event information   1) Seoul April, 22nd, 2023, 3:00pm(GMT+9) https://youtube.com/live/Pw2PhOL2XqU?feature=share     2) Busan April, 30th, 2023, 5:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube.com/live/XObnXMbyf6k     3)  Daejeon May, 6th, 2023, 4:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube

[The Bible Lifestyle with Shincheonji church] Proverbs 2:1~5

Proverbs 2:1~5 1. My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, 2. turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, 3. and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, 4. and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5. then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ * We are the people bound to receive the world (global community) as a gift from God. Therefore, we, who will receive all the inheritance, must become fully equipped in order to renew all nations. It is only then we can restore all creation which has been distorted by Satan, back to its original image. *  We need to get rid of our old way of thinking. We always need to examine ourselves and think about how we can be qualified to live with God. *  It is joyful to think about God's kingdom.  Can you imagine how great God's world will be when it is completed?  It will be mor

Online Bible Seminar

Shincheonji Grand Bible Seminar for Pastors Launched with Philippines' Pastors on Day of Peace https://bit.ly/3AvB9vD     Shincheonji Word Seminar https://bit.ly/3LwpIu1   ❁ ❀ ✿ #ShincheoncjiChurch #OnlineSeminar #Bible #INCHEON #DAEJEON #SEOUL #BUSAN · Introductory : https://bit.ly/SCJ_introductory     ·Intermediate : https://bit.ly/SCJ_Intermediate     · Advanced : https://bit.ly/SCJ_Advanced   ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ▶️ General information · Title: Shincheonji's Bible Seminar · Topic: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation · Event information   1) Seoul April, 22nd, 2023, 3:00pm(GMT+9) https://youtube.com/live/Pw2PhOL2XqU?feature=share     2) Busan April, 30th, 2023, 5:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube.com/live/XObnXMbyf6k     3)  Daejeon May, 6th, 2023, 4:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube.com/live/75Vod8P8684     4) Incheon  May, 13th, 2023, 5:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube.com/live/qW1KsVXB9YE   · Lecturer: Chairman Lee Man-he

Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation’ Shincheonji's Bible Seminar

▶️   Title: Shincheonji's Bible Seminar ▶️   Topic: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation · Event information   1) Seoul April, 22nd, 2023, 13:00pm(GMT+9)      https://youtube.com/live/Pw2PhOL2XqU?feature=share     2) Busan April, 30th, 2023, 17:00pm(GMT+9)      https://youtube.com/live/XObnXMbyf6k     3) Daejeon May, 6th, 2023, 16:00pm(GMT+9)      https://youtube.com/live/75Vod8P8684   4) Incheon  May, 13th, 2023, 17:00pm(GMT+9)     https://youtube.com/live/qW1KsVXB9YE   · Lecturer: Chairman Lee Man-hee · Live & Replay: Shincheonji Official Youtube Channel   https://www.youtube.com/@ShincheonjiChurch_en     ▶️ #ShincheonjiChurch #ShincheonjiBibleSeminar #Testimony_Fulfillment_of_Revelation #ShincheonjiOnlineSeminar #Youtube_40million_views #Exposure_408million_views   ▶️ #Belief #God #Jesus #Pray #QT #Bible #Christian #Church #Truth #Promise · https://www.shincheonji.org · https://youtu.be/YZ-vEkUdcis   #ShincheonjiChurch #ShincheonjiBib

2023 Shincheonji Bible Seminar

🎓 2023 Shincheonji Bible Seminar   <Incheon Bible Seminar Link>   (KO) https://youtube.com/live/hlvNE64yLYQ     (EN) https://youtube.com/live/qW1KsVXB9YE     (ZH) https://youtube.com/live/W08_BsEZFgc     (JA) https://youtube.com/live/aL5Db6jRKGY     (FR) https://youtube.com/live/teSr4zwHMyg     (ES) https://youtube.com/live/5YvroFRG7Cw     (DE) https://youtube.com/live/1-CVHLZnkkQ     (MN) https://youtube.com/live/sd_a3b5q0HQ     (RU) https://youtube.com/live/fV6eDe_pk0I ✝✞✝ Shincheonji Grand Bible Seminar for Pastors Launched with Philippines' Pastors on Day of Peace https://bit.ly/3AvB9vD   #ShincheonjiChurch #OnlineBibleSeminar #ManHeeLee Shincheonji Word Seminar https://bit.ly/3LwpIu1   --------------- ☘️ --------------   https://bit.ly/3n9cfPD   https://bit.ly/3NHGisz   https://shorturl.at/rtHS1   https://shorturl.at/fhuAI   https://shorturl.at/htKPU   - The witness w