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8월, 2023의 게시물 표시

[Documentary] We are Shincheonji Church from today. India ver.(Busan James Tribe)ㅣShincheonji Church

The word of God   creates the spirit of people in God's characteristics and heals them. Those who are created by the word of God are led by the spirit of God, and are born again into a completely new creation. 👉 The Application for the Online Bible Study (Free) http://bit.ly/bible_04122 ❁ Special Lecuter URL of Shincheonji Online Seminar   · Special Lesson:  https://bit.ly/enSpecialSeminar     ✚ Zion Christian Mission Center URL · Introductory :  https://bit.ly/SCJ_introductory   · Intermediate :  https://bit.ly/SCJ_Intermediate   · Advanced :  https://bit.ly/SCJ_Advanced Pastors in India finally discovered the true God and the answer to faith through the online Revelation Seminar of Shincheonji which started in South Korea.   These pastors who have changed the sign boards of their churches to Shincheonji Church of Jesus after verifying the true meaning of the Bible   by themselves, are now challenging themselves as Sh...

The True Identities of the Tree of Life

#shincheonji #Pastor_Journalist #conference God ​​ created ​ heaven, ​ earth, ​ and ​ all creation, He established ​ a garden in ​ Eden in the ​ east, and ​ He ​ made man, ​ that is, male and female, ​ and put them ​ there. ​ Moreover, ​ He ​​ told ​ those ​ people ​ to ​ be fruitful, increase in ​ number, fill the ​ earth, and subdue ​ it, and ​ He ​ gave all ​ of creation to Adam and ​ told him to ​ rule ​ over ​ it. ​​   In ​ the ​ middle ​ of ​ this Garden of Eden ​ were the tree ​ of life, the ​ tree of ​ the ​ fruit of ​ good and evil (the tree ​ of the knowledge ​ of ​ good ​ and ​​ evil), ​ and ​ all ​ kinds ​ of trees. God told ​ Adam, “You can ​ freely take and ​ eat the ​ fruit ​ of any ​ tree in the garden, but ​ do not take ​ and ​ eat ​ the ​​ fruit ​ of ​ the ​ tree ​ of the fruit of ​ good and evil ​ in the middle,” ​ and He ​ warned, ​ “On the ​ day you eat of it, ​ you will surely ​ die.”       Yet ​ one ​ day, ​​ the ​ wild ​ ser...