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Wise Question and Wise Answer 1

Wise Question 1
How can you prove God’s existence?
Why doesn’t God clearly reveal himself?
Seeing oneself is evidence of God’s existence. 
God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies.

There are two kinds of gods or spirits: 
God the creator, who is life, and an evil spirit, who is a created being.

Each kind of god has a ‘parent-god’ and a ‘child-god’. The god who exists within a person is the ‘child-god’. A person (body) is like the house for a god.

God is a spirit and the soul is life.
Even if the god leaves, a person is still able to breathe and live because he has a soul.
However, when both the God and the soul leave, that person dies. However, even when the body dies, the spirit is still alive. We cannot know God if we do not know about religion.
Man (Adam), who was created and the ‘child-god’ of the Creator (Acts 17:29), became a living spirit after receiving the breath of life (Gn 2). 

ACTS 17:29.  "Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone -- an image made by man's design and skill.

However, as a result of receiving the evil spirit of the dragon, who is a created being, the living spirit and the evil spirit became one.
This caused confusion, anxiety and pain. The soul and the spirit left, and the flesh eventually returned to the dust and became dust (Gn 3).

People who are born with the genes of the first man (Adam) are people who have been living on the earth until today. When man, who is the ‘child-god’ of the true God receives another god, the ‘parent-god’ who gives life leaves, and after living the life they are left with, the man then dies.

As a result of inherited sin and personal sin accumulating on top of original sin, sin has increased and our lifespans have shortened (Gn 6:1-3; Ps 90:10).
Ps 90:10.  The length of our days is seventy years -- or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
Because evil entered life, pain and death also came into existence. By receiving another god, sin was committed, and because of this sin the holy God who gives life left man. Because of sin, the ‘parent-god’ cannot come to people and people can not go to the ‘parent-god’. This is how there came to be division between heaven and hell.

Confirmation: I am dreaming. My spirit (god) that looks like me comes out of me, goes far and wanders around. The spirit wanders and is able to see and hear. My soul, which is still within the body, is not dead and is still breathing. The spirit (god) and soul (life) are separated. The spirit which left even has the ability to fly. The soul which remains in my body lies still and still breathes. When the soul (body), which is the house for the spirit, is shaken, the spirit comes back immediately. The spirit then lets the soul know what it has seen and heard. The ‘child-god’ cannot receive help from the ‘parent-god’ as a result of sin. One cannot know God through worldly knowledge or wisdom.
Since there are two kinds of gods which give two kinds of thoughts to the heart, there is confusion; and after suffering under this kind of captivity and pressure, the spirit leaves, the soul also leaves and only the body (house) is left to return to the ground.
Heavenly religion belongs to the ‘parent-god’ and it is education which is given to the ‘child-god’. This education provides a way for the ‘child-god’ to meet the ‘parent-god’ and receive the breath of life. The spirit, which becomes living as a result of receiving the breath of life, becomes a dying spirit and soul as a result of receiving an evil spirit. How does it cause death? It sends all kinds of illness and destroys the inner parts of the body (house).
Because the house is destroyed, the spirit leaves. By understanding religion, escaping from the evil spirit, and believing in the ‘parent-god’who helps people become living spirits, the body will be judged and die because of original sin, hereditary sin, and personal sin, but the spirit will live on through an understanding of faith. This is due to the separation between the ‘child-god’ and the evil spirit, which was with the ‘child-god’.

In order to save mankind, who has been held captive by the evil god in this state, first the cost of sin must be paid (with the blood of a righteous man).
The evil god must be overcome and one must also overcome oneself. This is when one is able to find oneself once again, escape from the evil god and become one with the ‘parent-god’, who is the Creator and life. This is the path of religion. This does not occur simply by wishing for it, but rather, it is possible through the one who gives us the path and life (religion). It is similar to the reunification of an orphan who finds and drinks his mother’s breastmilk.

I have seen the God of heaven, have heard his voice, dreamed dreams and have experienced the spirit and the soul leaving my body. I have also experienced the spirit and the soul leaving and returning (to the body, which is the house of flesh) twice.

Both times I tried hard not to die. After the spirit and soul left, I did not think at all about the body, which was the house. With the same outfit I wore while I was alive, I was traveling somewhere on earth. This happened when I was walking alone on a path. I do not remember how long I had been absent from the body. I was going far away, but the moment I thought about the body I was back in it and came back to life.

Conclusion: The proof of the ‘parent-god’ is seeing oneself, who is a ‘child-god’. How can the son say the father does not exist just because he has not seen him?
The reason why the ‘parent-god’ does not reveal himself is because the ‘child-god’ has committed sin by uniting with another god. This is why the ‘parent-god’ (holy spirit) has been groaning (Rom 8:19-27).
If I wrote based on the evidence recorded in the Bible, I would have a lot more to say; but I have explained as you can see above so that people who do not believe would also be able to understand.
Rom8:19.  The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
20.  For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope
21.  that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
22.  We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
23.  Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
24.  For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?
25.  But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
26.  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
27.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
 Wise Answer
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