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Discerning between Affiliation with God and Affiliation with Satan

Discerning between Affiliation with

God and Affiliation with



Everyone on earth is a human being and they all have the same type of physical bodies. However, there are two spirits within religion reigning over people, and they are invisible.

One’s actions and the words of the Bible make known which god is reigning over them.


This is just like how grapevines cannot bear figs and fig trees cannot bear grapes.


Thus, Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7, by their fruit you will recognize the tree. A person of religion must carry out a life of faith with the standard being the Bible which God gave. Therefore, everything contrary to the words of the Bible is heresy, and this is not the will of God. In order for a believer to carry out a life of faith according to God’s will, one must understand the true meaning of the Word (Bible).


The new covenant is the book of Revelation, promised by God and Jesus through the blood for what is to be fulfilled; and this was made known in advance so that we can believe when it does happen (Jn 14:29).

However, there has not been a single person in heaven or on earth who understood the true meaning of Revelation until today. Furthermore, God said if anyone adds to or takes away from the words of Revelation, they will not be able to enter heaven and will receive the plagues written in this book (Rv 22:18-19).

So I ask all the believers who claim today “I received salvation, I received the Holy Spirit, I received blessings”; if someone claims that they are saved without the fulfillment of the promised Revelation, without understanding the true meaning, and still claim they are saved after adding and taking away, wouldn't that make the words spoken by God and Jesus all lies?


Are you claiming there will be salvation without receiving the promised blessings in Revelation Chapters 2 ~ 3?


Then, did God and Jesus speak lies when they made these promises? Or, did the pastors here today speak lies? Answer me.


God, the Creator, created all things and gave them to Adam and Eve as an inheritance; however, the devil - a created being - deceived Adam and Eve because of his greed, and took all of creation to be his own possession.


Ever since, Satan has been pretending to be God - like a hostile criminal condemning the innocent - and God who lost His creation had to leave the world. Since then, God has spread the facts (truth) through the prophets to save mankind that fell upon sin. Satan had no other option but to speak false teachings as he himself is not God nor did he create anything. That is why God had to speak the truth, and the devil had to speak false teachings (Jn 8:44-47).


Someone cannot discern between God and the devil by looking at someone’s face, but can only distinguish through the Bible and through their actions. God said to act according to the Bible without adding or taking away; but since the devil’s identity will be revealed if he acts according to the Bible, he distorted God’s word, made it into lies and taught it with a different meaning.


The CCK and CBS planted the devil’s seed and fed evil to people by making up about 200 false claims and lies (false broadcasts). This is how one can know who does the work of the Holy Spirit and who does the work of the devil; by their words, according to whether their words are truth or false teaching.


As people are born into sin, they are confused, empty, and darkness is over them; therefore they cannot appreciate the value of the word of life that is light.

Ultimately, Jesus sowed God’s seed long ago to harvest and seal the new nation and new people in the Second Coming, and eventually will judge and burn anyone that belongs to falsehood.

This is a promise.



CBS and the CCK have come together and deceived parents who are ignorant of the Bible and forcefully dragged their children to receive conversion education.

The parents under the control of the conversion pastors fed sleeping pills to their children, took away their cellphones, handcuffed them and locked them in a room to receive coercive conversion education. They committed violence upon their children and sent them to mental hospitals if they were not converted.


If still not converted, the parents kicked out their children, then came to Shincheonji to yell saying, “Give back my daughter, my son.” Such appearances make them look like they are fanatic believers.


Such actions are carried out to plant the idea that Shincheonji is anti-religion, anti-society, and anti-nation in the community and to break off Shincheonji. As the CCK and the denominations of worldly churches have become corrupt, the congregation members have been streaming to the city of truth, Shincheonji, and Shincheonji has been growing rapidly regardless of persecution. On the other hand, the numbers of people in the denominations of the CCK that persecutes and carries out the work of coercive conversation have been rapidly decreasing, almost to the point of breakdown and the organization has divided into multiple groups.

The CCK has become so corrupt that they buy and sell presidential positions and even buy and sell the pastor certificates.


Not only that, the Presbyterian denomination, the main influence on the CCK, was an informant and was a pro-Japanese collaborator at the time of Japanese Colonial rule. They instigated all churches to worship and bow down before the Japanese emperor-gods.


Aren’t they truly anti-religion, anti-society, and anti-nation?


All believers! Please answer.


Shincheonji has gone out to the whole world, enhanced national prestige, established public work, mastered the Bible, and has received the revelation of heaven. Shincheonji is clearly different from the CCK, CBS, and coercive conversion pastors who distort the words of the Bible, create lies, and teach those lies.


The difference between Shincheonji and the CCK and CBS is like the difference between heaven and hell. How can you continue a conversation with the people who insist, “what is white is black and what is black is white?” Meritorious deeds will continue, but sinners will receive God’s retribution according to what has been committed.



 SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations




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