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[Revelation Chapter 18] Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation




Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation,

God's New Covenant



Babylon is an ancient city of Mesopotamia, and one of the world's earliest cradles of civilization. This Babylon invaded Judah and Jerusalem and held their people captive for 70 years.



in Chapter 18 of Revelation, it is said that Babylon the Great is judged and fallen. In Revelation 18:2, it reads

"Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit," and in Revelation 18:4,


God tells the people in Babylon to



"Come out of her."


Will ancient Babylon reappear during the era when Revelation is fulfilled? What is the reality of Babylon the Great in Chapter 18 of Revelation that is judged and falls today? It says that God's people, who are caught in Babylon, have to come out of her. But what is the true meaning of Babylon, the home of demons?



Thursday, December 9th at 10:00 AM (GMT +9).





The reality of today's 'Babylon the Great', which believers must perceive and flee from, will be revealed!




18/10 ~ 27/12, every Mon/Thur 10:00 AM (GMT +9)


Shincheonji Official Youtube channel Live (Replay Available)







Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant | Shincheonji Online Seminar


Date & Time: Thursday, 2 December 2021 at 10 AM (GMT +9)

Contact Point by Region


- California Church : +1 657-799-1158 / www.scjus.org / america.en@scjus.org

- Washington D.C. Church : +1 202- 813-9801 /revivedcstudy@gmail.com

- NY Church : revelation@scjamericas.org / +1 917 - 400 - 3556

- Chicago Church : +1 312-324-4422 / shincheonji.usa@gmail.com

- Southeastern States of America : +1 678-684-8418 / +1 678-333-5295 / simon@scjus.org / simon.scjus@gmail.com

- Texas Church : +1 844-874-7458 / zionmissioncenter1990@gmail.com

- San Francisco Bay Area Church : +1 347-653-7881 / Shincheonji.sf@gmail.com



- Philippines




+63 948-942-9647 / +63 948-942-9752 / +63 970-270-5198



- Australia Sydney Church : +61 401-909-117 / nhne.australia@gmail.com



- Ethiopia Church : +251 11-812-8616 / SCJ.Ethiopia@gmail.com



- Tanzania Zion Church : +255 629-279-373 / scj.peter.tz@gmail.com



- India Bengaluru Church : +91 7025402406 / indiablr.shincheonji.org

- India Coimbatore Church : +82 10-9958-5272 / +82 10-7655-2672

- Shincheonji Church of Jesus, New Delhi : +91 728-983-2426(whatsapp)

- South India Church : +91 73 0576 9872 / scjseminar.india@gmail.com / shincheonji-india.org


South Africa

- Hope Church-ZA : ct@hope-church.org.za


New Zealand

- New Zealand Church : +64 21 0854 9337 / shincheonjinz00@gmail.com



- Netherlands Church : +31 6 58 99 07 94 / shincheonji.cityoftruth@gmail.com



- Berlin Church : +49 151 745 80 384 / info@shincheonji.de / www.shincheonji.de



- Uganda Church : +256 070-615-8721 / newheavenuganda@gmail.com



- Kenya Church : +254 789-916-268 / worldpeace2021@naver.com



* Period: 18 October 27 December 2021

* Time & Day: Mondays and Thursdays at 10 AM (GMT +9)

* Broadcast Link: https://bit.ly/en2021revs

* Instructors: Chairman Lee Man-hee, Leaders of the 12 Tribes

* Subject: Revelation Chapters 1-22


Youtube 👉 https://bit.ly/en2021revs

Apply bible study👉http://bit.ly/bible_04122



(EN) Shincheonji Church of Jesus




(ZH) 新天地耶稣教证据帐幕圣殿




(ZH-yue) 新天地耶稣教證據帳幕聖殿




(JA) 新天地イエス教証しの幕屋聖殿




(DE) Shincheonji Kirche von Jesus




(ES) Shincheonji la Iglesia de Jesús




(RU) Церковь Иисуса Синчонджи Храм Скинии Свидетельства




(FR) Shincheonji Église de Jésus




(MN) Шинэ Тэнгэр Газар Есүсийн чуулган




(PT) Shincheonji, Igreja de Jesus




(MY) ရှင်းချောန်းဂျီ ယေရှုအသင်း သက်သေခံရာ တဲတော် ဗိမာန်




(TL) Shincheonji - Ang Simbahan ni Hesus




(CS) Shincheonji, církev Ježíšova




(NL) Shincheonji Kerk van Jezus




(HI) शिनचोनजी यीशु की कलीसिया




(TA) ஷின்ஷோன்ஜி , இயேசுவின் சபை




(SI) සින්චොන්ජී, යේසු සභාව




(RO) Șinciongi Biserica lui Isus




(TR) Shincheonji İsa Kilisesi




(UR) شنچینجی ، چرچ آف جیسس




(SW) Shincheonji Kanisa la Yesu




(VI) Shincheonji nhà thờ Jesus




(ID) Gereja Yesus Shincheonji



#fulfillment #bible #bible_study #shincheonji #shincheonji_church

#newheaven_newearth #GOD #REVELATION





  1. This online Revelation seminar is a beacon of hope during these unsettling times. Shincheonji is explaining Revelation without cost through seminars broadcast in 138 countries/24 languages to millions of people. This is surely the hand of God helping us in these tough times❤️


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  God ​​ wrote ​ the ​ book ​ of ​ Revelation Himself and was ​ holding it after ​ sealing it with ​ seven seals. ​ Hence, ​ there had ​ been no one in heaven ​ or on earth ​ who ​ knew ​ the ​​ meaning ​ of ​ this ​ book. ​ Yet, it says that ​ if one adds ​ to or subtracts ​ from this ​ book, ​ then he ​ cannot enter the kingdom of ​ heaven, but will ​ receive ​ curses ​ (plagues) ​​ (Rv ​ 22:18-19).   🌏   Today, ​ the ​ prophecies ​ of the book of ​ Revelation, which had ​ been hidden for ​ approximately 2,000 ​ years, ​ have been ​ fulfilled, and when Jesus fulfilled ​ Revelation, the promised ​ pastor ​ of ​ Shincheonji ​​ saw ​ and ​ heard ​ at ​ [Jesus’] side. Thus, Shincheonji ​ masters the meanings ​ of the prophecies ​ of the ​ entire ​ book and ​ even their fulfillment.   Currently, however, ​ the Protestant Church ​ and ​ the ​ Catholic ​​ Church ​ have ​ completely ​ added ​ to and subtracted from ​ all of this ​ Revelation. Then, who ​ is really ​ the ​ cul