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0222 Shincheonji News : Over 1000 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Locations Disinfected and Closed Down

What is Shincheonji Church currently doing to solve
the Corona crisis?
Over 1000 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Locations Disinfected and Closed Down in Korea

Locations and Disinfection Status Listed on Website - All Efforts Towards Preventing Further Outbreaks

□ Following the confirmation of a patient from Daegu Church on the 18th, Shincheonji Church of Jesus disinfected and shut down over 1,000 churches and affiliated buildings nationwide by the 21st.

□ On the 22nd, Shincheonji Church of Jesus released the disinfection status of over 1,000 churches and affiliated buildings on its website and provided the locations’ addresses to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

□ On the evening of the day the 31st case was confirmed (18 February), Shincheonji provided to the city of Daegu the list of those who joined the service at the very location the confirmed patient took part in. At 6 a.m. the next day (19th), the final list was handed over to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

□ As the number of confirmed patients from the service continued to increase, the KCDC requested for a list of all Daegu Church members on the night of the 19th, and this list was provided on the 20th.

□ Shincheonji Church of Jesus released an official notice on the 22nd requesting all members of Daegu Church, any members who visited Daegu, and any members who were in close contact with confirmed patients to self-quarantine themselves and promptly contact public health facilities to be tested for infection.
□ Currently, members who were in close contact with the confirmed patients have requested for checks, but the process is being delayed. As anxiety among Koreans are growing with the increasing number of confirmed patients from Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the church made a request to give priority to the members for checks.

□ Shincheonji Church of Jesus will fully cooperate with health authorities to insure there are no further outbreaks.

22 February 2020
Shincheonji Church of Jesus
The next news~~ is....





  1. The truth will prevail for the whole world to hear. Thank you for your article.

  2. People of Shincheonji in the midst of hard times absolutely overcome well. And The truth about Shincheonji necessarily reveals all over the world. Cheer up.

  3. The truth will come out. Cheer up!

  4. I want the coronavirus to dissappear as soon as possible, and I want everyone to regain happiness and hope.

  5. I hope that coronavirus will disappear quickly everywhere in the world.

  6. 1日も早くコロナウイルスが消えて欲しい。


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