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Shincheonji didn’t lie about membership figures

Re : ‘Shincheonji didn’t lie about membership figures’ 

V Suspect 
Some politicians, heads of local governments and Justice Ministry officials had called for a prosecutorial investigation into the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, accusing the sect of hampering disease control efforts by intentionally omitting names from the list it submitted. 
V Clue I 
Assisted with the analysis of data retrieved from the Shincheonji server -- such as the list of adherents and the church’s app and fingerprint recognition records.
V Clue II 
Shincheonji believers need to scan their fingerprints or QR codes on their app in order to enter the chapel, and all the data is automatically saved in the system.

V Clue III
Investigators compared the data they obtained from the server at the Shincheonji headquarters in Gwacheon with what they received from the sect, and found “no meaningful differences” between the two, according to sources.
V Conclusion
 Based on the findings, the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters is said to have concluded that a prosecutorial investigation was no longer necessary to secure an accurate list of Shincheonji members, and has informed the prosecution of its decision.

The prosecution plans to focus on investigating crimes related to the novel coronavirus, such as the hoarding of masks.

Resources written by By Kim So-hyun from KoreaHerald
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According to the formal notice,
the church told its congregation members:
  • anyone who develops symptoms related to COVID-19 must be tested
  • those whose occupations are in medicine, nursing homes, and public facilities must be tested regardless of presenting symptoms, and
  • all other church members with no signs of symptoms are also strongly encouraged to screen for the virus

  •  Notably, the announcement included one of the most rigorous measures, which a religious group can take in cooperation with disease control and prevention. It stated that congregation members who have not tested for the virus would not be allowed to attend service even after the spread of COVID-19 subdues and church services are back to normal.

Before the recent announcement, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has continuously engaged its congregation to vigilantly cooperate with public health authorities in four of the special letters from the chairman and 20 formal notices issued by the church headquarters.

One official at Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, "It is deeply regretful that we had some cases of violation of self-quarantine rules, and some other churchgoers tested positive and caused fellow citizens to suffer damage before they could identify themselves as a member of Shincheonji Church. We sincerely apologize for this." and added, "when the infection spread among our congregation, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has no reason to hide the list of names or deliberately disrupt the examinations."

"While the church is complying with all requests from the authorities, admittedly, there are situations where it is difficult to keep control over all aspects of 210,000 people. There are misunderstandings for that reason, but it is not that the church is being uncooperative by any means," the official pleaded.

"Currently, an overwhelming majority of the congregation of over 90% is faithfully adhering to government measures. As the public health authorities stated, there were no accounts of intentional noncooperation," the official said as he stressed on the church’s commitment to doing its part to stop the contagion. "The decision of Chairman Man Hee Lee to take rigorous measures and prohibit anyone from coming to service if they do not cooperate with public health authorities only stresses the church's will to do everything that we can to help end COVID-19."

Are you satisfied with your doubts?
See you at the next posts~!!


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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The Content of the Book of Revelation, Which Had Been Hidden for Approximately 2,000 Years

  God ​​ wrote ​ the ​ book ​ of ​ Revelation Himself and was ​ holding it after ​ sealing it with ​ seven seals. ​ Hence, ​ there had ​ been no one in heaven ​ or on earth ​ who ​ knew ​ the ​​ meaning ​ of ​ this ​ book. ​ Yet, it says that ​ if one adds ​ to or subtracts ​ from this ​ book, ​ then he ​ cannot enter the kingdom of ​ heaven, but will ​ receive ​ curses ​ (plagues) ​​ (Rv ​ 22:18-19).   🌏   Today, ​ the ​ prophecies ​ of the book of ​ Revelation, which had ​ been hidden for ​ approximately 2,000 ​ years, ​ have been ​ fulfilled, and when Jesus fulfilled ​ Revelation, the promised ​ pastor ​ of ​ Shincheonji ​​ saw ​ and ​ heard ​ at ​ [Jesus’] side. Thus, Shincheonji ​ masters the meanings ​ of the prophecies ​ of the ​ entire ​ book and ​ even their fulfillment.   Currently, however, ​ the Protestant Church ​ and ​ the ​ Catholic ​​ Church ​ have ​ completely ​ added ​ to and subtracted from ​ all of this ​ Revelation. Then, who ​ is really ​ the ​ cul