#11 What kinds of religion are there and what are its characteristics? In the east, there are three main paths – Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. There are many sub-religions which have broken off from these three paths but have similar teachings. The way these three religions – Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism – have expressed themselves in different time periods may differ, but it is, in essence, referring to the same thing and, in this sense, is one religion. #RELIGION The text for Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism contains a record of what people heard and saw from a divine being, but no one has been able to understand the meaning of it until today. There are other religions such as Islam, Hinduism and Calvinism, but the founders of these religions were not people God had chosen and appointed. They sought for God out of their own will, and with a religious mindset they received and recorded revelation...