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The One Who Overcomes Promised in Revelation in the New Testament 

The One Who Overcomes Promised in Revelation in the New Testament

Main Reference: Rv 2 ~ 3, (Rv 12, Rv 15, Jn 16:33)

There are promises Jesus made with the one who overcomes at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus came to the world as the light (Jn 12:46) and in the Father’s name (Jn 5:43).

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.(Jn 12:46)


His disciple, John, referred to Jesus as the true light and this light shined in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it (Jn 1:5-10). At the First Coming, Jesus overcame the world with the truth (Jn 16:33). I, too, was born from the light of the heavens and overcame the false pastors of the churches of the world by testifying to the truth.



I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

    Jn 16:33


During Jesus’ first coming, God gave the food of eternal life, the authority to judge, the iron scepter to rule all nations, and he sat with God on His throne. Jesus, who overcame at the First Coming, promised to give the things God gave him to the one who overcomes at the Second Coming in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.


The one he must overcome is Satan’s organization, the Nicolaitans, thus, the dragon’s group which is Satan’s pastor with seven heads and ten horns of Revelation chapters 13 and 12.


At the time of Jesus’ first coming, a child born from a woman overcame. At the time of the second coming, when Revelation is fulfilled, a child born from a woman also overcomes. The promises in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were given to the one who overcomes. In the times of Moses, Jesus’ first coming, and the second coming (the time of Revelation) alike, God fulfilled His promise. There was never a time when God did not fulfill his promise. Thus, He said to believe without adding or taking away anything.


What is being fulfilled and how? The promise in the New Testament will be fulfilled without adding or taking away anything.


As described in Amos 3:7, God reveals His secret to the prophets then fulfills it.

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.


Amos 3:7


Today, Jesus showed his messenger what will be fulfilled in Revelation, fulfilled it, and then had him testify of what was seen to the churches (Rv 22:8, 16). The one who fulfills and the messenger who testifies will speak without adding or taking away anything.


Revelation is a secret that will be fulfilled, and the betrayers, destroyers, and savior are the three mysteries. The messenger, who is sent, knows all the events and entities of Revelation. I am the promised pastor in the New Testament. Without the things promised in Revelation 2 and 3, humanity cannot receive salvation. Therefore, we must meet the one who overcomes, who received the promises from Revelation 2 and 3, for salvation. These are not my words but the written words of Jesus. People assume they can go to heaven by attending service diligently and giving offerings but this is not true.


God’s will and promise is to be born again with God’s seed, to be harvested, to be sealed, to take part in the twelve tribes of God’s promised nation, and to be freed from sin by the blood of Jesus.


The blood Jesus shed

2,000 years ago on

Golgotha was for the

 twelve tribes

of New Jerusalem at the

Second Coming.


It was not for the traditional churches of the first heaven and first earth. Therefore, we must have interest and know the blood of Jesus, God’s seed, the promise of the New Testament, and the events of the end of age - which is the secret of Revelation. Also, we need to have interest in the spirit of Christ (Rom 8:5-11) and carry out our faith to receive salvation. If the one who overcomes does not exist to receive the promises of Revelation 2 and 3, no one can receive salvation.

The time of Adam, Noah, and Moses ended because of the corruption of the chosen people. The prophecy of the New Testament, the end of ages, and destruction are all due to corruption.

In Revelation of the New Testament, there is the work of betrayal, destruction, salvation, and re-creation. If these traditions (first heaven and first earth in Revelation 21) were flawless, why would there need to be a re-creation by the new thing (Heb 8)? Why is the promise (the New Testament: new promise) not trusted and kept?

In 6,000 years of God’s history, the true heresies were the traditional pastors of the time and the true orthodoxy were the ones who received persecution. This is also true in the present day.


 No one should be arrogant or pridefulall must repent and be reborn to go to heaven. Amen.



SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations






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