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WISE QUESTION 10 : What are the spirit and soul?

What are

the spirit and soul?


The question regarding the spirit and the soul is simple yet complex.

How can a person, whose entrance to heaven is blocked because of sin, understand the spirit and soul?

It should also be known that there are two kinds of entities, whose spirit and soul are united.


How can people of this world understand this?

Wherever there is water and light, there is also a soul.


This soul is the life of all creation.


However, the spirit is an entity which controls the life of all creation. If necessary, there are times when a spirit works through living things (such as animals or plants) besides people; but generally, this is not the case.

People have souls, but the question is, to whom does the spirit and soul belong?


What I am saying is there are two kinds of gods (spirits).


Mr. Byungcheol Lee has dealt with people who have a lot of money and power. How much have you dealt with God or the poor? There is an old song with lyrics that say, “A person who has possessions but cannot use them is the beggar of beggars, but the person who does not have anything, yet lives well, is the hero of ever-flowing rivers and mountains.” How much money and power do you have right now, Mr. Byungcheol Lee? You don’t have any.




Whether poor or rich, is it not all the same?

Why have people, who possess spirit and soul, killed all the messengers God sent in the last six thousand years?


To whom do the spirits and souls of those who kill belong for them to commit such evil acts?


The answer lies in the fact that they do not

belong to God.


A spirit can leave and wander about during a dream, but the soul remains within the body.


A spirit can even fly.


This spirit controls and leads the soul; that is, a living person.


Furthermore, the spirit can even meet the spirit of a dead person. When a person dies, the spirit and the soul leave the flesh. If my spirit unites with an evil spirit, it is thrown into chaos; and even if I know it is wrong, I can commit an evil act because of the evil spirit which has captured me.


The soul and spirit is the life and heart of the body.


This is the word of the LORD concerning Israel. The LORD, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the spirit of man within him, declares:

Zechariah 12 : 1



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