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To the Members of the Christian Council of Korea

To the Members of the Christian Council of Korea


Let us carry out our life of faith according to the words of the Bible and go to heaven.

Let us follow the word.


We, Shincheonji Church of Jesus (abbreviated as Shincheonji) have been identified as a heretic organization by the CCK and CBS, which are organizations that are both ignorant of the Bible. While Shincheonji has been carrying out the work of peace, the CCK and CBS are declaring war by interrupting and cursing Shincheonji, and also falsely claiming that the peace event that Shincheonji held was a disguise. However, God, as well as Jesus, have carried out the work of peace (Isa 52:7, Lk 2:14, Lk 19:38-42), and the context in regards to peace even appears in about 70 places in the Old and New Testament of the Bible.




Are God and Jesus also a disguised cult? The curses of the CCK and CBS are the words of the devil. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, how can the peace movement desired by God be a wrongdoing? There are religious people even within groups of presidents, members of congress, and ministers in which they have their own religious positions and carry out their own walks of faith. There is no such law that states a believer cannot do the work of peace. Such statements are spoken by the CCK and CBS because the spirit of the devil, who is the enemy of God, has entered them.



Have you never added to or taken away from the words of Revelation, the promise of God? (Rv 22:18-19) The real pastors (denominations) of the devil are the ones who add to or take away from Revelation; the liars; those who distort the meanings of the promises and teach falsehood; those who worshipped and praised the Japanese emperor-gods during the Japanese Colonial Period; those who block others from harvesting; those who insist that the new heaven and new earth (Shincheonji) is heretic; those who insist that the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is heretic; and those who say that harvesting, sealing, and creating the 12 tribes according to the New Testament is heretic.


    Those that pronounce the promises of God, in another word, the work of peace, as a cult are the CCK and CBS. Shincheonji is fulfilling the work of peace and understanding and speaking the words of Revelation because we have a complete understanding of the Bible.


Do they have any right to call anyone “a heretic”? They are committing the same actions as the Pharisees 2,000 years ago.


Even the name of Shincheonji, its duties, and its actions all follow after the commands of the Bible. Let's have a time to test between the doctors of theology of the CCK and a lay congregation member of Shincheonji.

Why can’t they do it?

You will immediately find out who has the truth, who is really a heresy, and whom God is one with.


Shincheonji has been victorious with the truth.


All nations are flowing in. We are growing rapidly. Now even the congregations will not be deceived. God and the word of life are at Shincheonji, the church of Jesus.



SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations






이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Bible quiz 1

  Q uiz Time~~~ 01.What is the meaning of the figurative Trumpet? Choose one number please 1) A person 2) Bugle 3) Morning glory 02. Answer the following sentence True or False.   The figurative today's new song is the revealed word of the new testament. A.1 : 1)   A.2 : True Proof through the Bible Nuke 8:9-10 9. His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10. He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "`though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.' ***Trumpet in the Bible Isiah 58:1 1. "Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins. Isiah 18:3 3. All you people of the world, you who live on the earth, when a banner is raised on the mountains, you will see it, and when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it.   ***Why did Jesus speak all

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The Content of the Book of Revelation, Which Had Been Hidden for Approximately 2,000 Years

  God ​​ wrote ​ the ​ book ​ of ​ Revelation Himself and was ​ holding it after ​ sealing it with ​ seven seals. ​ Hence, ​ there had ​ been no one in heaven ​ or on earth ​ who ​ knew ​ the ​​ meaning ​ of ​ this ​ book. ​ Yet, it says that ​ if one adds ​ to or subtracts ​ from this ​ book, ​ then he ​ cannot enter the kingdom of ​ heaven, but will ​ receive ​ curses ​ (plagues) ​​ (Rv ​ 22:18-19).   🌏   Today, ​ the ​ prophecies ​ of the book of ​ Revelation, which had ​ been hidden for ​ approximately 2,000 ​ years, ​ have been ​ fulfilled, and when Jesus fulfilled ​ Revelation, the promised ​ pastor ​ of ​ Shincheonji ​​ saw ​ and ​ heard ​ at ​ [Jesus’] side. Thus, Shincheonji ​ masters the meanings ​ of the prophecies ​ of the ​ entire ​ book and ​ even their fulfillment.   Currently, however, ​ the Protestant Church ​ and ​ the ​ Catholic ​​ Church ​ have ​ completely ​ added ​ to and subtracted from ​ all of this ​ Revelation. Then, who ​ is really ​ the ​ cul