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Q&A on Shincheonji Church of Jesus II

Q&A on Shincheonji Church of Jesus

Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
□ On donating 12 billion won

As a church that produced a high count of confirmed cases, Shincheonji Church of Jesus feels a deep sense of responsibility on the tumultuous developments regarding COVID-19. And to help fight the COVID-19 crisis, the church had donated 12 billion Korean won (10 million US dollars) to Community Chest Korea towards on 5 March.

The funds for donation was not collected by congregation members but came from the church finance. As Chairman Man Hee Lee had stated during the press conference, the church will not spare any efforts in supporting human and capital resources.
However, 6 March, the Community Chest Korea requested to return the donated funds because negative public sentiment against Shincheonji Church of Jesus put a burden on spending the church's donation.

We convey our sincere regret and apologies to the Korean people. The church will commit to placing the donation so that it reaches where help is needed.

The church has also spent days focusing hard on finding a location appropriately equipped for a treatment center for patients with a mild case of COVID-19 in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do area.

We will make all possible efforts to provide a facility and help relieve the strain on hospitals. We hope these efforts will allow hospitals to reopen more room for, and give patients in critical conditions and patients waiting for admitted treatment much-needed care.




  1. いろいろと大変な時を過ごしている最近、もっと頑張って欲しい。

  2. 大変ですがみんな頑張ってウィルスを勝ちましょう。

  3. It is time for all of us to have the eye to see the truth. You have to look at the facts correctly and discard any prejudices about Shincheonji.

  4. Thank you for sharing. It's important for people to do fact checks.

  5. Thank you for sharing. Media outlets including the Korea Herald, EDaily, Newsis News Agency & Muslim Community Report are now beginning to expose the numerous false allegations made against Shincheonji Church by media outlets throughout South Korea. The truth will prevail♥️

  6. You guys are a role model to follow in the whole world, even when the whole country ( Korea ) has attacked you unfairly you have been responding with everything in the most honest way!!!

  7. hope truth will be discovered soon


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  God ​​ wrote ​ the ​ book ​ of ​ Revelation Himself and was ​ holding it after ​ sealing it with ​ seven seals. ​ Hence, ​ there had ​ been no one in heaven ​ or on earth ​ who ​ knew ​ the ​​ meaning ​ of ​ this ​ book. ​ Yet, it says that ​ if one adds ​ to or subtracts ​ from this ​ book, ​ then he ​ cannot enter the kingdom of ​ heaven, but will ​ receive ​ curses ​ (plagues) ​​ (Rv ​ 22:18-19).   🌏   Today, ​ the ​ prophecies ​ of the book of ​ Revelation, which had ​ been hidden for ​ approximately 2,000 ​ years, ​ have been ​ fulfilled, and when Jesus fulfilled ​ Revelation, the promised ​ pastor ​ of ​ Shincheonji ​​ saw ​ and ​ heard ​ at ​ [Jesus’] side. Thus, Shincheonji ​ masters the meanings ​ of the prophecies ​ of the ​ entire ​ book and ​ even their fulfillment.   Currently, however, ​ the Protestant Church ​ and ​ the ​ Catholic ​​ Church ​ have ​ completely ​ added ​ to and subtracted from ​ all of this ​ Revelation. Then, who ​ is really ​ the ​ cul