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ABOUT SHINCHEONJI(3) : The Way Shincheonji Church has been adhering

Shincheonji Church, founded on March 14, 1984, carries out a life of faith based on the revealed word of the Book of Revelation and delivers the gospel of revelation all over the world.

1984, Foundation of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony; God’s New Kingdom and New People


1985 [The Secret of Heaven, the Physical Fulfillment of Revelation] Published


1986, The establishment of branch churches of Shincheonji and the hosting of Revelation Seminars, the organization of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji and the opening of the Zion Christian Mission Center

1990, The establishment of Zion Christian Mission Center 


1994, Seventy-five Zion Christian Mission Centers were established across the country.


1995, Development of Shincheonji Heavenly Culture based on the Bible and the appointment of Shincheonji’s 7 ministers of education, the leaders of the 12 tribes, and the 24 elders.

2002, Foundation of Shincheonji Culture and Arts Group


2003, The Inauguration of Shincheonji Volunteer Group


2008, The 5th Shincheonji Heavenly Culture National Olympiad

2010, Shincheonji Bible Seminar (across 10 cities nationwide)


2012 Revelation Theology of Shincheonji that the world recognizes and the bible seminar of the Word in Foreign Countries (Europe, America, Africa)


The 6th World Peace, Restoration of Light, Heavenly Culture National Olympiad


2013 Shincheonji Bible Seminar (Europe, the United States, Oceania, Southeast Asia, South Korea)


2014 Shincheonji Open Seminar

2016, Publications of books and videos of Shincheonji vs CCK's 100 doctrines comparisons


2017, 12 tribes took an examination to uphold the new covenant


2018, A walking rally calling for the enactment of a law banning coercive conversion and memorializing the late Gu Ji-in.



 100,000 Graduation Ceremony of the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji

- Class 110 of Zion Christian Mission Center (103,764 graduated)


Open Bible Seminar regarding the Second Coming and Harvest, held in 8 cities nationwide


'Internet Zion Mission Center' begins domestic telecommunication education



COVID-19 blood plasma contributed by completely cured 3,741 people (3 sessions)


Online prayer service by religious leader globally for the end of COVID-19 


Online worship and education


Online Platform 'Shincheonji Word Square' Opens




이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Shincheonji is the Best of All Creations between Heaven and Earth

The one and only God created heaven and earth and everything in them.   #Revelation_I_Have_seen_and_Heard #ShincheonjiOnlineSeminar #Hit_29million_views   As the snake (one of the creations) and Adam sinned, God the creator left this earth (the world). Since then this earth has been under the rule of the snake.     In heaven there is the realm of spirits, and on earth there is the realm of the flesh. The devil, the evil spirit of the snake is with the people on earth in the world of flesh.     God who is in heaven has been teaching the people on earth to make known what happened, and that is religion ( 宗敎 : teaching the utmost, what is shown by heaven*).   God has His throne (Rv 4), and the devil has his throne (Rv 13, Rv 16). So, two kinds of spirits came to be. There is the heavenly spirit and the spirit of the world, that is, the holy spirit of God and the evil spirit of the devil that is the snake (Satan, the dragon)....

Wise Question and Wise Answer 1

W ise Question 1 How can you prove God’s existence? ==================================  Why doesn’t God clearly reveal himself? ==================================       Seeing oneself is evidence of God’s existence.  God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies. There are two kinds of gods or spirits:  G od the creator, who is life, and an evil spirit, who is a created being. Each kind of god has a ‘parent-god’ and a ‘child-god’. The god who exists within a person is the ‘child-god’. A person (body) is like the house for a god. God is a spirit and the soul is life.   Even if the god leaves, a person is still able to breathe and live because he has a soul.   However, when both the God and the soul leave, that person dies. However, even when the body dies, the spirit is still alive. We cannot know God if we do not know about religion.   Man (Adam), who was create...

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Holds Press Conference

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, known for its remarkable growth in membership, has taken the initiative to establish mutual growth and understanding among churches in South Korea.   On July 19th, Shincheonji Church hosted a press conference at the Shincheonji Peace Institute and shared the outcome of its efforts to collaborate with thousands of churches nationally and abroad. The event served as a platform to present strategies for fostering future exchanges with churches in Korea.   Shincheonji Church Chairman Lee Man-hee, a steadfast advocate of mutual biblical exchange, provided insight into the path forward for churches in Korea. Pastors who signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church of Jesus also participated in the conference, sharing their experience with this collaborative endeavor.   Chairman Lee took time to highlight the outcome of Shincheonji Church's recent open seminars. The nationwide open seminars and the signing of MOUs between churches serve a crucial...