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ABOUT THE PROMISED PASTOR : Who is the Promised Pastor?

Words from the Promised Pastor



Who is the Promised Pastor?




I. Birth and Childhood

Chairman Lee Man-Hee was born as the descendant of the lineage of Korean kings, a lineage 500 years old, and was born in a poor countryside on September 15th, 1931.

His name was given to him by his grandfather when he dreamt that suddenly the sky became dark and then a light appear to shine upon his daughter-in-law. He made the name then and called his grandchild this when he was born – the name “Man-Hee” which means “complete light.”

Lee began a life of faith by praying together with his grandfather when he was young. He developed the habit of praying every morning and night (on the high tops of the
mountains on Sunday), but never went to church.

II. Pledged his devotion to God

One day, he was praying as he always did, when a ‘large star’ that he had frequently seen before came to him from the sky and he saw this star for 3 days. Starting from that time, those around him started to persecute him for no reason, and soon after, he met a person from heaven.


He wrote a pledge of his devotion to God in blood, and since then, endured through countless hardships. He saw the corruption of the pastors as he carried out a life of faith, but he also saw and heard the congregation’s loyal effort and prayers.


He endured through turbulent waves in carrying out faith. He has been homeless and penniless before. Each time, he thought about the pledge he made in blood and re- strengthened his determination.


III. To the Tabernacle Temple, following the command of the heavens

Lee, who started out his life of faith in the countryside, heard the voice from heaven to go to the Tabernacle Temple and went to the Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon to serve there. But after seeing the Tabernacle Temple, which started with the Spirit, become corrupt, he tried to correct this wrong, but there were those who tried to harm him, so he went back home.

After returning to his hometown, Lee spent 7 years in the New Village Movement. During this time, the person from heaven came to him again and commanded him to send letters urging for repentance to the Tabernacle Temple.

As he returned to the Tabernacle Temple to call for their repentance, there was unimaginable persecution and imminent death.


IV. The Messenger who Received and Ate the Open Scroll in Revelation 10

But Chairman Lee who endured this, experienced the events of the entire book of Revelation being fulfilled and received the open word (the open scroll). They were things beyond imagination. He perceived that he was the one sent to testify to the churches about the fulfillment of Revelation, that he was the Messenger, the Advocate (Rv 22:16).


A reality that he could not deny, no matter how many times he read the Bible, was in front of his eyes. It was clear that if he did not testify the Word that he received, then the work of God promised in the Bible would not fulfill. To testify to what he saw and heard was so difficult and overwhelming at that time. But still, he testified and is still testifying today.


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* Period: 18 October – 27 December 2021

* Time & Day: Mondays and Thursdays at 10 AM (GMT +9)

* Broadcast Link:  https://bit.ly/en2021revs

* Instructors: Chairman Lee Man-hee, Leaders of the 12 Tribes

* Subject: Revelation Chapters 1-22


(EN) Shincheonji Church of Jesus


(ZH) 新天地耶稣教证据帐幕圣殿


(ZH-yue) 新天地耶稣教證據帳幕聖殿


(JA) 新天地イエス教証しの幕屋聖殿


(DE) Shincheonji Kirche von Jesus


(ES) Shincheonji la Iglesia de Jesús


(RU) Церковь Иисуса Синчонджи Храм Скинии Свидетельства


(FR) Shincheonji Église de Jésus


(MN) Шинэ Тэнгэр Газар Есүсийн чуулган


(PT) Shincheonji, Igreja de Jesus


(MY) ရှင်းချောန်းဂျီ ယေရှုအသင်း သက်သေခံရာ တဲတော် ဗိမာန်


(TL) Shincheonji - Ang Simbahan ni Hesus


(CS) Shincheonji, církev Ježíšova


(NL) Shincheonji Kerk van Jezus


(HI) शिनचोनजी यीशु की कलीसिया


(TA) ஷின்ஷோன்ஜி , இயேசுவின் சபை


(SI) සින්චොන්ජී, යේසු සභාව


(RO) Șinciongi Biserica lui Isus


(TR) Shincheonji İsa Kilisesi


(UR) شنچینجی ، چرچ آف جیسس


(SW) Shincheonji Kanisa la Yesu


(VI) Shincheonji nhà th Jesus


(ID) Gereja Yesus Shincheonji





  1. As much as the religious world may persecute and make baseless accusations, Man Hee Lee is the promised pastor of the New Testament Revelation, chosen by Jesus as his messenger to testify everything he has seen and heard to the churches. A person who truly believes in the words of Jesus will believe this. Read Rev 22:8 and 22:16. Thank you for this touching article.


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