Testimony on
Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant
Shincheonji Online Seminar
🌱Lecture: Revelation
Chapters 9
🌱Date & Time: Monday, 8
November 2021 at 10 AM (GMT +9)
🌱Contact Point by Region
- California Church : +1 657-799-1158
/ www.scjus.org / america.en@scjus.org
- Washington D.C. Church : +1 202-
813-9801 /revivedcstudy@gmail.com
- NY Church : revelation@scjamericas.org
/ +1 917 - 400 - 3556
- Chicago Church : +1 312-324-4422 /
- Southeastern States of America : +1
678-684-8418 / +1 678-333-5295 / simon@scjus.org / simon.scjus@gmail.com
- Texas Church : +1 844-874-7458 / zionmissioncenter1990@gmail.com
- San Francisco Bay Area Church : +1
347-653-7881 / Shincheonji.sf@gmail.com
- Philippines
+63 948-942-9647 / +63 948-942-9752 /
+63 970-270-5198
- Australia Sydney Church : +61
401-909-117 / nhne.australia@gmail.com
- Ethiopia Church : +251 11-812-8616
/ SCJ.Ethiopia@gmail.com
- Tanzania Zion Church : +255
629-279-373 / scj.peter.tz@gmail.com
- India Bengaluru Church : +91
7025402406 / indiablr.shincheonji.org
- India Coimbatore Church : +82
10-9958-5272 / +82 10-7655-2672
- Shincheonji Church of Jesus, New
Delhi : +91 728-983-2426(whatsapp)
- South India Church : +91 73 0576
9872 / scjseminar.india@gmail.com / shincheonji-india.org
- Hope Church-ZA :
- New Zealand Church :
+64 21 0854 9337 / shincheonjinz00@gmail.com
- Netherlands Church :
+31 6 58 99 07 94 / shincheonji.cityoftruth@gmail.com
- Berlin Church : +49 151 745 80 384 / info@shincheonji.de /
- Uganda Church : +256 070-615-8721 / newheavenuganda@gmail.com
- Kenya Church : +254 789-916-268 / worldpeace2021@naver.com
* Period: 18 October –
27 December 2021
* Time & Day:
Mondays and Thursdays at 10 AM (GMT +9)
* Broadcast Link: https://bit.ly/en2021revs
* Instructors: Chairman
Lee Man-hee, Leaders of the 12 Tribes
* Subject: Revelation
Chapters 1-22
[Revelation Chapter 9]
PR Fire - The Bible Explained: All
the Verses of Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times
NewsAnyway - All the Verses of
Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times
PR Fire - The Bible Explained: All
the Verses of Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times
NewsAnyway - All the Verses of
Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times
Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment
of Revelation, God's New Covenant
[Revelation Chapter 1]
[Revelation Chapter 2~3]
[Revelation Chapter 4~5]
[Revelation Chapter 7]
[Revelation Chapter 8]
[Revelation Chapter 9]
I've always been curious about the book of Revelation, but it's a good lesson