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Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation

Overseas Craze for



Online Seminar on Revelation



"Pastors Should Learn It First!”





It's a great privilege to learn so many mysteries in Revelation from Chairman Man-Hee Lee and the 12 tribe leaders. Chairman Lee is very special. He received a great revelation from God, knows the secrets of Revelation and teaches it completely. The greatest thing is that he teaches it to everyone. This is the greatest thing.



{Rev. Paul Narasimha Rao, Head Pastor of Rise and Shine Church, India}

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-Hee Lee) has released a full-length exposition of the book of Revelation to the world through YouTube. This exposition by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which conveys all the prophecies of the book of Revelation, and their fulfilment, is considered groundbreaking. Pastors have signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church of Jesus in quick succession.

This seminar series 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant', which Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been conducting since the 18th October, is being broadcast in 138 countries and 24 languages via YouTube, and (as of the 2nd) has surpassed 1.5 million views over just 5 seminars. This is a remarkable reaction. On the 18th of last month, the first seminar by Man-hee Lee on Revelation chapter 1 registered 520,000 views. Subsequent seminars on the book of Revelation by the 12 tribes have exceeded 200,000 to 300,000 views per seminar, and the number of viewers has been steadily increasing.

In particular, pastors overseas who began listening to the online seminars from their respective countries gave praise after hearing the word of Revelation via YouTube. In the video 'Interview with Overseas Pastors' released by Shincheonji Church of Jesus on the 30th of last month, pastors and believers who attended their Online Seminar expressed their surprise at the teaching of the prophecies and fulfilled realities of the Book of Revelation, and expressed their desire to actively participate in preaching this Word.


Domestic Pastors' Reaction:

“Surprisingly Clear and Logical”


The domestic reaction within Korea has also been unexpected. Pastors of established denominations in Korea who have labelled

Shincheonji Church of


 a 'cult'

due to differences in teachings on the book of Revelation, are showing high levels of interest in this seminar series. Moreover, believers who had difficulty attending church are now taking part in these Revelation seminars due to the convenience of online access.

Pastor Huh (50s) said, 


“When I read the book of Revelation, it is very difficult to understand and often confusing. So, most of the time it is interpreted arbitrarily. Now, through this seminar, I wish to learn the words of this book of Revelation from the shepherd who learned the word.” A former pastor (in his 90s) said, “I heard that the chairman [of Shincheonji Church of Jesus] did not attend a seminary or receive any special training. The doctrine in Shincheonji is different from my existing beliefs, but if my beliefs are wrong,


I will boldly go to Shincheonji.”

[Revelation Chapter 1]


[Revelation Chapter 2~3]


[Revelation Chapter 4~5]


[Revelation Chapter 7]


[Revelation Chapter 8]


[Revelation Chapter 9]








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