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Bible Quiz 4 : when God fulfills his prophecy how can we realize that?

❤️ God's covenant, Abraham and revelation❤️

Ref: Gn 15, jn 19:30, Rev 21:6


John 1:1

in the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Worf was God


[1] God who surely fulfills his promise


Isaiah 14:24

the LORD Almight has sworn "Surely, as i have planned


Q: God surely ( ) His prophecy





A: fulfills 

Amos 3:7

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.


John 14:29

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.


prophecy -> fulfillment


when God fulfills his prophecy how can we realize that?


the word -> actual reality appears!

proof : God is living!


[2]prophecy & fulfillment


1. Adam


2. Noah


3.God was with Abraham -> prophecy : Gn 15:13-14

Moses -> fulfillment : Ex 12

in people's perspective Or in God's perspective

coincidence ? a prophecy


Ex19:5-6 a covenant with physical Israel

1 King 11

Hosea 6:7 Broke the covenant

Like Adam, they have broken the covenant-they were unfaithful to me there.


prophecies through O.T prophets


Prophecy : Isaiah ~ Malachi (the word)

fulfillment : Jesus (flesh)

John 19:30

when he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head anf give up his sprit.



[3] Today's Era


Q. what era are we now living ?

A. the time of the fulfillment of the New Testment


Q. what prophecies are to be fulfillment in today's Era ?

A. prophecies in the 4 dospels of the N.T & revelation


Rv 21:6

He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.


1. God's prophecy must be (fulfilled).

2. The promises with Abraham were fulfilled at the time of (Moses).

3. The promises with the O.T prophets were fulfulled at the time of Jesus' (1st) Coming.

4. What is to be fulfulled today is the 4 gospels of the N.T & (Revelation).



(Korean) October Shincheonji bible Seminar Teaser



October Shincheonji bible Seminar


1. 한국어

[광주] 신천지 말씀 대성회 '구원받을 144,000과 흰무리들'신천지 예수교회




2. English

[Gwangju] Shincheonji’s Bible Seminar '144,000 and the Multitude in White That Will Be Saved'




3. Chinese

[光州] 新天地话语大圣会得救的144000与白衣人群新天地耶稣教会




4. Japanese

[光州] 新天地御言葉大聖会 われる144,000新天地イエス教会




5. Indonesian

[Kota Gwangju] “144.000 Orang dan Kumpulan Putih yang Diselamatkan“




6. Russian

[Кванджу] Библейский семинар Синчонджи «144 000 и множество в белых одеждах, получающие спасение»




7. French

[Gwangju] « Les 144 000 et la multitude en blanc qui seront sauvés »




8. German

[Gwangju] Shincheonji-Bibelseminar ‚ Die 144 000 und die Weiße Schar, die errettet werden.‘




9. Spanish

[Gwangju] ' Los 144,000 y la multitud vestida en blanco que reciben la salvación '




10. Mongolian

[Гуанжү] Шинэ Тэнгэр Газарын Үгийн их семинар 'Аврагдах 144,000 болон цагаан хувцастнууд'






To study the bible~~~


  1. A beautiful seminar. Shincheonji can explain the prophecies and fulfilled realities of the entire Book of Revelation, and this will lead to a future of freedom, love and peace❤️ #ShincheonjiChurch


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